Student clubs

Through its many organizations, students can participate in a number of activities hosted by the IGS Group’s Student Life Office: parties, trips, athletic competitions and cultural activities.

students clubs

Some of the Organizations and Clubs at our American School

The American Business School of Paris encourages its students to participate in community-based activities proposed within the IGS Group.

It’s an opportunity for students to boost their student life participation on the Parodi campus. Community life and athletics are an integral part of ABSParis’s DNA.

In addition, these organizations make it possible for students to experience enriching activities, as well as develop their leadership and organizational talents.


bde cis abs

The CIS - Council of International Students - gathers ABSParis students from different cultures to organize events together (Valentine's Day, Christmas dinner, Cultural Day, integration parties, etc.). These events facilitate the integration of students, especially international students, create a strong School Spirit and also allow the student organizers to develop their organizational and leadership skills.

The Communication Team is a team of up to 15 students from all ABSParis programs who act as ambassadors for the school during JPOs, SPOs, fairs, and school visits. Like the CIS, these missions allow them to develop skills and reinforce the School Spirit.

Highlights from the Year


  • Orientation Day at Parc Astérix;
  • Valentine’s Day;
  • Graduation ceremony.


The Student Club Committee


Each year, members of the IGS Group’s Student Club Committee are elected by their fellow students. It proposes many activities:

  • events;
  • themed weeks;
  • trips (Prague, Berlin, Venice, ski trip, etc.);
  • parties (Halloween, Graduation dance, etc.). 

The Student Club Committee not only participates in, but also provides its support to the different Student Life Offices at each school, including the Council for International Studies at ABSParis for their event organization.




Athletics, Part of ABSParis’s DNA​​​​​​​

Participate in team sports at the American Business School of Paris! The Sports Academy within the American Business School of Paris allows students to continue to play their favorite sport. Indeed, students from the American Business School of Paris can play any of the following team sports with other students from the IGS Group, supervised by their respective coaches:

  • basketball (men’s team/women’s team);
  • soccer;
  • volleyball (men’s team/women’s team);
  • golf, etc.

Our basketball and soccer teams are well ranked in the Ile-de-France interuniversity division.

A Sports Complex in Eaubonn​​​​​​​

Besides the academic campus in the heart of Paris, the IGS Group provides its students an athletic complex in Ermont-Eaubonne (25 minutes from Paris) in partnership with the CDFAS (Departmental Center for Athletic Training and Events).


Elite athletic facilities are available for

  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball
  • Tennis
  • Track and Field
  • Gymnastics

Academic scholarships are available for elite student athletes.

Our accreditations



  1. International culture
  2. Multiculturalism in the spotlight
  3. Recognized diplomas
  4. International at the heart of our programs
  5. 100% in English

