
The American Business School of Paris maintains close ties with its partner companies and offers an on demand service.
Would you like to become our partner?
A range of personalized services has been tailored to accompany your professionnal needs


The American Business School of Paris’s priority objective is the professionalization of its students. That is why we maintain a constant dialogue with the Corporate world, specifically through our “Career Center.”

In exchange for supporting our talent as best as possible, we meet Company expectations:

  • By hosting professionals during seminars;
  • By highlighting your company’s reputation thanks to job forums, our websites or during our events (Graduation ceremony, Research Committee, etc.);
  • With case studies that you give to our students, supervised by specialized professors.

We offer you the opportunity to:

  • Post your internships;
  • Recruit our interns;
  • Hire our graduates;
  • Meet our students: The Career Management Program;
  • Become our partner;
  • Download the Traineeship Tax brochure.

If you would like to get in touch with our Corporate Relations Services, contact Ms. Pascale GINET at 33 (0)1 80 97 65 58 or via email.



Post your Internship 

The American Business School of Paris provides complete internship management services.

To take advantage of this option, you must sign up first.

This registration, which only takes a few minutes, allows you to create an account on our network and submit or manage your offers at any time whenever you want.

End-of-Studies Internship

Internships are an integral part of the curriculum offered by the American Business School of Paris. The partner company has access to the CV library of our students and to the AlumForce platform (ABSParis alumni).

What to Include in your Internship Offer

The internship offer must include the following elements.

  • Name of the proposed internship;
  • Presentation of the company and business sector;
  • Presentation of the mission;
  • Skills and aptitude required;
  • Ideal profile;
  • Monthly net compensation;
  • Location;
  • Duration;
  • Start date;
  • How to apply (contacts).

Internships are an integral part of the program proposed at the American Business School of Paris.


Our Interns

Bachelor of Business Administration

A 12-month internship or company mission in France or abroad taking place periodically over a four-year period.

Bachelor in Fashion & Luxury Retail Management

A 11-month internship or company mission in France or abroad taking place periodically over a three-year period.

MBA with 2 concentrations

Master Of Science with 5 concentrations

6-month internship or company mission upon completing their studies (May/June).



Hire our Graduates

The American Business School of Paris maintains privileged relations with its graduates, who are all School ambassadors.

The 2,970 alumni of the American Business School of Paris occupy positions all over the world as well as in Paris, within leading international companies.

Each year, the school organizes events in order to bring together its alumni and put them in contact with its partner companies.

If you would like to publicize your openings to our alumni (young graduates and confirmed profiles), you can contact



Become our Partner

Corporate Weeks

One of the American Business School of Paris’s priorities is to assist student in their professional choices, help them identify the skills that are sought after and better understand the professions and positions proposed within companies.

Each year, the IGS Group organizes a Corporate Week, which brings together the group’s partner companies. The week is cadenced by 3 major activities:

  • A consulting space allowing students to get advice on their CV, professional project and conduct interview simulations in French and English.
  • A conference space with subjects that vary from year to year.
  • A job fair, a genuine occasion to exchange and conduct simulated interviews with professionals.


Meet our Students:

Our students benefit from theoretical and practical support in order to help them in their personal and professional development:

  • By discovering business sectors and professions (1st and 2nd years);
  • In the communication of their Professional Project and Market Prospection (3rd and 4th years).

Partner companies, under the framework of this program, can come and present their business/sector to students and present their openings (internships/student jobs) in the form of Conferences or Job Fairs.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Other Partnership Options

  • The Strategic Committee or Professional Advisory Board (PAB): company experts meet with the school’s administration in order to plan future program developments.
  • Conferences: a company, if it desires, can come and present its business sector and the markets in which they intervene.
  • Actively participate in the life of the school: a company can participate as a jury member during student recruitment sessions and/or internship orals.
  • Attend Graduation: a company can sponsor the event.
  • Participate in alumni events: a company can sponsor alumni events.
  • Sponsoring/Patronage: a company can pay a portion of its traineeship tax to the school or become a patron.

Our accreditations



  1. International culture
  2. Multiculturalism in the spotlight
  3. Recognized diplomas
  4. International at the heart of our programs
  5. 100% in English

