Bachelor Luxury in Paris

Choose an international business school after high school that will guarantee your success internationally and in the luxury and fashion industry!

bachelor luxe

The Bachelor Luxury at a glance



Accessible to French high school graduates and students in parallel admission



3 years



  • Semesters of study and internships abroad
  • Curriculum 100 % in English

Professional experience

12 months of internship in France or abroad


Accreditation and Certification

  • Accredited in the United States since 2004 by the IACBE
  • Registered with the RNCP in France

Bachelor Luxury

What is this Bachelor's degree dedicated to the World of Luxury?

The Bachelor Luxury in Paris is a European professional bachelor's degree, specializing in the operational marketing of fashion and luxury.


Certified title ICD Responsable d'Activité Commerciale et Marketing registered with RNCP n° 38808 at level 6 (EU) (former level II) - NSF code 312, by registration decision of France Compétences dated 27/03/2024, eligible CPF
Title also accessible by the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE)

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bachelor luxe

A curriculum with an international outlook

Choose the language of international trade

The American Business School Paris' program offers you the opportunity to become fully bilingual through a 100 % English curriculum, study semesters and internships abroad.

Our pedagogy based on active participation in class, group work and project presentations guarantees you a perfect command of English.

Discover the program


bachelor luxe

Everything to master the luxury sector

The luxury and fashion industry is growing worldwide. Studies and market forecasts predict growth for at least the next 20 years. France is the world leader with a 29 % market share and contributes twice as much to the country's trade balance as the aerospace sector.



Study in the capital of luxury

Going to Paris for your Bachelor Luxury is one the best choices to start up your career. There are many reasons, namely…

Paris, the capital of luxury

Paris is one of the greatest cities if you want to start a career in the fashion and luxury sector. France has always had one of the most dynamic countries in this field. Not only is the entire country renowned for its fashion, perfumes, jewelry, etc., but there is more to luxury. Highest-quality wines, five-star hotels, art, food… are also some of the quality goods and services that the French excel at.

Starting your career will be easier when the fame of France and Paris are shining on your resume!

Many companies to start your career

As the capital of France, Paris is one of the greatest places to start your career. During the 3 years of your Bachelor in luxury and fashion management, you will have internship periods. While you can go abroad during your internships, Paris will offer many opportunities for those who wish to pursue all of their studies in France.

The capital is home to many international luxury companies. Lanvin, Lancôme, Hermès, Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Dior... Some streets such as the Champs-Élysées or Faubourg Saint-Honoré are well known for their high number of luxury stores.

With such a high concentration of specialized companies, you will have many opportunities to learn during your studies… and to find a job quickly after graduation!

Enjoy a high quality of life!

Paris is also one of the best cities in the world to study! Aside from the great professional opportunities, you will also enjoy a high quality of life.

The capital of France is known for its cafés, where you can start your day with a good coffee or a tea and croissant with your friends before going to class. You can also enjoy your midday break in parks (parc de la Villette or parc des Buttes-Chaumont) or next to the canals (Saint-Martin or de l'Ourcq).

When you need to study, you can choose to go to some of the greatest libraries of France such as the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, with its 2 million books and its beautiful arcades or the Bibliothèque Mazarine, with its decor, preserved since the 17th century. Such prestigious places will help you concentrate and make a lot of progress on your projects and studies.

And of course, there is the dynamic cultural life! Pursuing your Bachelor in luxury in Paris will let you discover many museums, theaters, historical monuments, etc. Just by exploring the streets, you will uncover many unexpected corners and places in this more than two-thousand-year-old city!

Our accreditations


5 reasons to choose ABSParis

  1. International culture
  2. Multiculturalism in the spotlight
  3. Recognized diplomas
  4. International at the heart of our programs
  5. 100 % in English

