The Orange Business Pitch

For this edition of the Business Pitch, 450 students were challenged by Orange and worked for three days to provide solutions to the problems raised by the company. 

12th edition of the Business Games - Orange

The 5th year of the American Business School of Paris, with all the schools and training centers of the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) Paris campus,
took place on November 24, 25 and 26.
For three days, nearly 450 students and alternates worked on a problematic of Orange France's Consumer Division: the digital customer journey!


After Monoprix in 2019 and FNAC Darty in 2020, our campus welcomed our partner Orange France.

After a brief on Wednesday morning, the 94 5th year teams had until Friday to define a strong idea, determine a concept, test it and finally pitch it!


Responding to customer requirements


The project presented had to provide a solution, a service, a pathway aimed at all Orange consumer customers, offering assistance solutions according to 4 criteria: personalized, simple, effective and differentiating.

Indeed, since the Covid context, Orange customers are much more "digital", with uses that have become more intense. The transformation of the way consumers interact with Orange is profound: they are increasingly demanding, hyper-connected and have very high expectations in terms of quality.


The challenge was therefore to meet these expectations, to offer assistance paths to be accompanied and to be as efficient as possible on a daily basis.


The six finalist teams gave a clear and impactful presentation in only 6 minutes in front of Michel Jumeau, Executive Vice President Orange France, and his management committee. This final was held live and in public, in the heart of the campus, transformed for the occasion into a real TV set !  


Inter-professional actions


This high professional value event, resolutely business oriented, calibrated for our students and apprentices in their 5th year, encourages dialogue and confronts our students/alternates with the reality of the company.


It echoes the one created for our 1st year students: HEP on Boarding, a multi-school and training center event, aimed at raising awareness of our values of Humanism, Entrepreneurship and Professionalism.


These two events have the common feature of bringing together the graduating classes of all of our business lines, a rare occurrence in higher education.


This real tour de force - praised by Orange - allows our students and alternates, 5 years after their entry into our campus and the discovery of HEP values, to confront once again their peers from other schools and CFAs... This time in a professional exercise bigger than life, as if to add a prestigious last line to their CV before graduation !

Our accreditations



  1. International culture
  2. Multiculturalism in the spotlight
  3. Recognized diplomas
  4. International at the heart of our programs
  5. ​​​​​​​100% in English

