Accreditations & dual degrees Bachelor Luxury

The American Business School of Paris guides you throughout your international education in the fashion and luxury sectors through a curriculum based on the best from the American education system.


Bachelor's Degree in Fashion and Luxury Retail Management

The Bachelor's Degree

The Bachelor's Degree in Fashion and Luxury Retail Management is a three-year European professional bachelor's degree specialized in operational marketing professions for the fashion and luxury sectors.

A recognized double degree

The Bachelor's Degree in Fashion and Luxury Retail Management issued by the ABSParis is a dual degree accredited :

  • Accredited in the United States since 2004 by the IACBE
  • Registered with the RNCP in France
Certified title ICD "Responsable d'Activité Commerciale et Marketing" registered with RNCP n° 38808 at level 6 (EU) (former level II) - NSF code 312, by registration decision of France Compétences dated 27/03/2024, eligible CPF.
Title also accessible by the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).


Degree also accessible through the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning. 

Our accreditations


5 reasons to choose ABSParis

  1. International culture
  2. Multiculturalism in the spotlight
  3. Recognized diplomas
  4. International at the heart of our programs
  5. 100 % in English

