In partnership with Jesus & Mary College in New Delhi-India and IGS Group Center for Research Propedia, a special edition of the International Journal “Question(s) de management” is dedicated to the Global Business & Intercultural Studies, fully in English.
Basic Details of Collaboration
Journal of Global Business and Intercultural Studies is an annual business management journal created in 2020 as a special edition of “Question (s) de management” review as an initiative by The American Business School of Paris, France & Jesus and Mary College, New Delhi, India under the aegis of IGS Group, France.
The journal publishes scholarly research articles that elucidate and illustrate conceptual, theoretical and empirical study. It aims at promoting and fostering research involving the global community across nations to develop and transmit knowledge-intensive experiences in various intra and inter disciplinary field of business, management and culture.
The topical areas include Work Culture, Management Practices, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Sustainability, Disruptive Technologies, International Business, Social and Cultural Studies
Our International Editorial Board is constituted by acclaimed and renowned academicians and practitioners from more than 12 countries.
Statement of Vision and Mission
The Journal of Global Business and Intercultural Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles covering the whole gamut of international business and its relationship with the various cultures prevailing in different parts of the globe.
We believe that research at its core is the development and transmission of knowledge, especially that which is gained by experience in inter and intra disciplinary fields of business, management and Humanities. Creativity and Innovation, thanks to the Research, impact the knowledge and education of our youth.
We at GBIS understand that local cultures, customs, traditions and practices dictate the strategies and planning of any business. Thus making it extremely critical to have an in-depth knowledge of the cultural fabric of a region to conduct a business smoothly and successfully. In line with this understanding, we publish articles of original qualitative and quantitative empirical work covering important aspects of global business and culture.
This would support our futuristic vision of ensuring that high quality research, conducted by scholars all over the world, is not only easily accessible but also instrumental in providing solutions to many existing problems faced by different communities.
By the same token, we also encourage the contributions from specialists in other disciplines such as Economics, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science and many others.
GBIS is being launched with the aim of promoting and encouraging research globally while ensuring and maintaining the high quality and originality of the published articles.
Our endeavour to connect International communities with one another would be incomplete without constructive feedback borne out of enthusiastic discussion and healthy criticism by our readers. We thereby welcome you to peruse through our published work and provide your invaluable insight.
Padma Shri Prof. Dinesh Singh
Chancellor, K.R. Mangalam University, India
Former Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, India
Chief Advisor
Dr. Sandra Joseph
Principal, Jesus and Mary College
University of Delhi, India
Editorial Board
Dr. Vibha Mathur
Associate Professor
Jesus and Mary College, India
Scientific Committee
Dr. Sunita Kaistha Dr. Patricia Thery-Hart |
Dr. Fady Fadel Dr. Cynthia Eid |
Dr. Rekha Dayal
Associate Professor
Jesus and Mary College, India
Assistant Editors
Ms. Charu Sarin Arora Assistant Professor Jesus and Mary College, India |
Ms. Saloni Arora
Assistant Professor
Jesus and Mary College, India
International Advisory Board
Regional Associate Editors
Call for Paper
The International Journal of Global Business and Intercultural Studies invite original scholarly articles, research papers, survey papers, review articles and case studies from the authors worldwide.
The theme for the first issue is “Work Life Balance during Covid-19”. We welcome high quality research work that focuses on the development and application of the aforesaid area.
Important Dates
- Submission of Abstract: December 15, 2020
- Acknowledgment of submission: Within 24 hours
- Submission of Full Paper: January 15, 2020
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 15, 2021
- Final paper (Camera Ready) Submission: March 5, 2021
Submit your Paper
Post your article on
Code: RxZuRpqP
and send a copy at
- The results of the plagiarism check will be reviewed by editor and his team.
- In the event of obvious plagiarism, the editor-in-chief will quickly come back to the author to make the necessary corrections.
No submission for evaluation (double-blind) will be possible if the plagiarism rate does not comply with the specifications of the journal.
If this is the first time you are submitting to the International journal of GBIS, Create an account or Register now. If you already have an account, kindly Log in with your existing username and password.
You are required to add your ORCID ID during the submission process. It will be posted in your published article.
You will receive an email confirming your successful submission. A manuscript number will be provided which will be used for all future communication.
A Copyright form needs to be submitted once you receive an acceptance mail from the editor-in-chief.
Methods of submission
- Article should be provided in Microsoft Word Format. PDF can be submitted alongside the word formats
- Maximum length of the paper: From 25,000 to 40,000 characters (including the structured abstract, references, spaces and special characters);
- Justified Alignment, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman 12 character, 2.5 cm margins;
- 1st Page: Article/Paper Title, Name and surname of the authors (will be reproduced as it is for publication), Designation, Institutional Affiliation, Address, Valid E-mail address
- 2 nd Page: Title of the article, Abstract with 5-6 appropriate Key words in English. The abstract should allow the reader to know the issue, the methodology, the results and their discussion with the maximum length of 300 words.
Title 1, Title 1.1 , no 3rd level subtitle
- Appendices and footnotes to avoid
- Tables, figures and numbered boxes with a title above the table or figure, in the body of the text (Table 1: Answers). All figures (diagrams, charts, graphs, screenshots, etc.) and tables with clear corresponding labels to be submitted in a high resolution digital format separately.
- Headings must be concise and clear. The preferred format for first level headings to be in bold, and subsequent sub-headings to be in italic
Bibliographical References
References are to be submitted in APA style
We aim at providing courteous and enriching experience throughout the publication process. However, there are some responsibilities and publication ethics that an author has to fulfill.
- You are expected to respond promptly to any queries raised by the team
- Consider all the communications done between you and journal editor as confidential until a decision regarding the publication is made
- Anyone who has made substantial contributions to the article shall be included in the list of author/co-author(s)
- The content sent by you should be ethically and morally sound and any manuscript submitted by the author should be his/her original work
- Make sure your work should not have been submitted/published in a similar form or under the review process elsewhere
- On submission of your work to the journal, you are agreeing to the non-infringement of any existing copyright